deadly floods in Myanmar.

The number of flood victims continued to rise in lower part of Myanmar despite close of some relief camps in the upper part of the country, local media quoted the Department of Relief and Resettlement as reporting Sunday.

In the weekend day alone, flood victims increased by 20,000 in warning-issued southwestern Ayayawaddy delta region, bringing the total number of such victims in seven regions and states to over 336,000.

In Kachin, Sagaing and Magway state and regions, there saw slight drop of water level with some relief camps being closed, allowing the flood victims to start to return homes .

The Ayeyawaddy region was worst hit by flood this year.

Triggered by continued torrential rain early last month, flooding also swept across western Rakhine state affecting about 10,000 people.

The flooding submerged Kyauktaw, Mrauk-U and Minbya townships and destroyed some dwellings, bridges and roads.

Such river banks as Laymyo and Kaladan burst, bringing over 200 high and middle schools under water.

Source : XINHUA