GCC denounces police bus terror blast

Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Secretary-General Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani has denounced yesterday's terrorist bomb attack which targeted a security bus and injured security men on board.
The GCC chief said the cowardly criminal attack was contradictory to all moral ethical values and humanitarian principles and threatened the lives of security personnel. He expressed his trust in the capability of the Interior Ministry's security agencies to unravel the whereabouts of the culprits, perpetrators and inciters of this criminal attack who sought to destabilize Bahrain's security and stability.
Al Zayani expressed unflinching solidarity of the GCC-member countries with the Kingdom of Bahrain in all the security measures it takes to preserve the safety and security of citizens and residents and to combat terrorist groups, wishing a quick recovery to the injured.

Source: BNA