Republicans are reconsidering immigration policy in light of the role Latino voters played in re-electing U.S. President Barack Obama, political analysts said. Latinos favored Obama over Republican nominee Mitt Romney by 40 percent, and many within the GOP are reconsidering their tough stance on touchy issues such as amnesty, The Hill reported Saturday. Right-wing talk show host Sean Hannity said Thursday he had evolved on the issue, while House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said the party was \"long overdue\" in developing a \"comprehensive approach.\" Washington Post columnist and Fox News commentator Charles Krauthammer wrote Friday that Republicans must consider \"full legal normalization (just short of citizenship) in return for full border enforcement.\" Some Republicans aren\'t convinced that change is needed, The Hill said. Rush Limbaugh argued on his radio talk show Friday that Hispanics were moving to the Democratic Party because of its positions on taxes and welfare, not immigration. Rep. John Fleming, R-La, Friday chastised Boehner for \"getting ahead\" of House Republicans on immigration. Fleming said there had been \"zero discussion\" on the issue. Republican inaction on immigration reform is \"unsustainable,\" said Al Cardenas, president of the American Conservation Union. \"Conservatives cannot advocate the status quo,\" he said. \"It\'s indefensible.\"