Major airports in India have been put on high alert following fears that Al Qaeda\'s women suicide bombers may target them with explosives hidden in breast implants, security sources said Monday. As a result, the sources said the security personnel deployed at the main airports across the country had been asked to go for multiple scanning of passengers, especially women. The instructions have been issued since the Indian airports lack machines that can scan the human body fully body to locate explosives. Women security personnel have been specially instructed to remain on alert to foil any bomb threat, the sources said \"It is a sensitive issue and we have apprised our women personnel to be particularly alert. Any kind of explosives embedded in implants that do not have a metal component cannot be detected. We are devising ways to address this threat,\" the local Indian express newspaper quoted a security officer as saying. The report added that Indian security agencies were seeking help of \"international agencies to know the exact nature of the threat, posed by the improvised explosive devices concealed in implants\". The Indian authorities have issued the alert a day after UK\'s Heathrow Airport was put on high alert for the same reason.