Soldiers examine a tank after it flipped during a training accident, Tuesday

A 20-year-old soldier has been killed after the tank he was in flipped over during an exercise in the Golan Heights, the Israeli army spokesperson's unit announced on Thursday morning.

The army delivered the news to the family of the soldier, Sgt. Ido Ben-Ari, from Ramat Sharon, who was a tank commander in the 9th Battalion of the Armored Corps’ 401 Brigade, The Jerusalem Post newspaper reported.

Three other soldiers suffered minor wounds in the crash and were evacuated to the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa and were later discharged after receiving medical treatment.

Ben-Ari’s tank brigade was taking part in a wide-scale training exercise along with the Givati Brigade and its engineering forces when the accident happened at around 1 a.m. on Mount Shifon in the northern Golan Heights.

Source: MENA