Tel Aviv - UPI
An Israeli man has been indicted for allegedly raping three of his daughters repeatedly for the past 21 years while his wife kept silent. The indictment, filed Wednesday in Tel Aviv District Court, said the man, whose name was not reported, allegedly raped three of the couple\'s four daughters and peeped in on them while they showered, reported. \"The defendant\'s actions during the years in question were made by use of force, or threats of force, and in a manner that did not allow the complainants to express any resistance. The defendant executed his assaults while abusing the naivety of the minors, his parental authority, their fear of him, and their trust in him,\" the indictment read. When one of the daughters brought the alleged abuse to the attention of their mother, whose name was not reported, the mother said: \"It\'s OK. He does that to me too,\" the indictment said. The mother allegedly locked her daughters in the bathroom, sticking their heads in the toilet and flushing. She also allegedly threatened to use an iron on their faces. \"Starting 1989, the mother knew that the father was sexually assaulting the complainants, and assisted him with carrying out his assaults by abandoning her duty to help the complainants, whether by taking them away from the defendant, or by informing the police or the authorities of his abuse so that they can help the complainants, all the while knowing that her actions, or lack there of, are most probably helpful to the father,\" the indictment read.