The government of Mexico said 58 people were missing after huge landslide smashed through a coffee-growing village deep in the country\' southern mountains, where new waves of rain threatened more danger for rescue workers attempting to evacuate the last residents from the isolated village Thursday. he same storm that flooded the resort city of Acapulco and surrounding areas over the weekend regenerated into Hurricane Manuel and was swirling into the Pacific coast again, this time further north, just offshore from the Sinaloa state capital of Culiacan. he U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami said the category 1 hurricane was expected to move slightly inland and continue to drop rain on fishing villages. It is a third blow to the country still coping from the double impact of Manuel\'s first landfall and Hurricane Ingrid on Mexico\'s east coast. Federal officials raised the death toll from the passage of Manuel and Ingrid from 60 to 80 on Wednesday. They said they were not including landslide victims in the village of La Pintada, several hours north of Acapulco. However, \"It is very likely that these 58 missing people lost their lives,\" said Guerrero state Governor Angel Aguirre.