Milan - ANSA
Milan\'s city council has approved a measure to recognize the common law unions of unmarried, co-habitating couples. Gay rights organizations cheered the measure for effectively recognizing gay couples, and as a step toward granting legal rights and privileges similar to marriage to homosexual couples. The measure establishes a registry of \"civil unions\" on city records for \"two people linked by emotional bonds\". The wording was changed from \"a set of persons linked by emotional bonds\" for fear that the measure could effectively sanction polygamy. \"With the registry of civil unions approved, from today forward there are more rights in Milan,\" Milan\'s left-wing mayor, Giuliano Pisapia, said Friday after the vote. The measure passed after a session lasting 11 hours and 30 minutes, with 27 votes in favor, 7 contrary and 4 abstentions. Two secular members of Silvio Berlusconi\'s center-right People of Freedom party voted in favor, while Catholic conservatives in the PdL voted against the measure. photo: Milan Mayor Giuliano Pisapia.