A Texas man who disappeared with his grandson and granddaughter after saying he was taking them on an outing has been found in Wisconsin, the family says. Relatives said they will travel to Wisconsin to bring William Gomez, 57, of Carrollton, Texas, and the two children, Marcus, 7, and Dominique, 8, home, KXAS-TV in Dallas reported. The three were reported missing Sunday evening. Police had been alerted in other states, and a Wisconsin officer recognized Gomez when he asked for directions. Gomez\'s trail north had been tracked through his use of his debit card. He got cash in Little Rock, Ark., Monday morning, bought gas in Troy, Tenn., that afternoon and purchased underwear for the children at a Sears in Paducah, Ky., Monday evening. In Paducah, he apparently tried to get directions back to Dallas. But instead he headed to Chicago, where he was spotted Tuesday morning. Nicole Rodriguez, a spokeswoman for Carrollton police, said Gomez had medical problems that cause memory loss.