A young Chicago mother and her sister were charged Sunday in the apartment fire deaths of her two children. The mother, Tatiana Meakens, 23, and the aunt, Britany Meakens, 22, were charged with child endangerment for not being in their West Englewood neighborhood apartment when the fire broke out early Saturday, the Chicago Sun-Times reported. Police said in a statement that the two women each face two felony counts of endangering a child causing death and two misdemeanor counts each of endangering the life and health of a child. They are expected to appear in court Monday, the Chicago Tribune reported. Autopsies Sunday showed the children, 2-year-old Javaris and 3-year-old Jariyah, died of carbon monoxide intoxication and smoke and soot inhalation. The Cook County medical examiner\'s office ruled the deaths were accidental. Authorities said two boys, Darnell Meakens, 7, and Marquis Meakens, 4, believed to be the sons of Tatiana Meakens, escaped the blaze and were placed in the care of state child protective services. Authorities said no adults were home when the fire began about 3:30 a.m. A hot plate being used to heat the apartment was being investigated s a possible cause of the fire.