Indian Navy commander Devendra Kumar Joshi said all the 18 crew on board the Indian diesel electric submarine Sindhurakshak have died. Most of the sections of the submarine submerged in an accident in the port on Mumbai on Tuesday night.   The Indian Navy\'s dieselelectric submarine \"Sindurakshak\" sank at the registry port of Mumbai on Wednesday morning after a fire broke out on board. According to India\'s Defense Ministry, there was 18 crewmembers on board the submarine. They quickly abandoned the vessel. \"It still remains probable, however, that several people found themselves in a trap. Details are being ascertained,\" the Indian Times quoted the Defence Ministry\'s announcement. Preliminary findings suggest an explosion in the torpedo bay has caused a fire which quickly engulfed the partially submerged submarine. It was further clarified that two explosions took place and it\'s likely a fire was the cause of these explosions and not the other way around.