An image of an ISIS fighter with the group's flag, taken from a YouTube video uploaded by ISIS

After its defeat in Iraq, Syria and Libya, the terrorist group of Daesh is reshaping to enhance its presence in Africa, the observatory of takfiri fatwas warned Monday.

Daesh has recently named Abu Musab al Barnawi as the new leader of its West African affiliate Boko Haram, the observatory said.

Changing the leadership of Boko Haram is likely to be followed by an increase in Daesh operations to prove competence of the new leader, the observatory noted.

In his first statements as the leader of Boko Haram, al Barnawi made it clear that the group will target Christians and churches in Nigeria in the coming stage.

Daesh has been paying big attention to Africa, the observatory said, adding that many movements, such as Shabaab al Mujahideen in Somalia and Boko Haram in Nigeria, have voiced loyalty to the group.

According to the observatory, Daesh in Africa is more life-threatening due to the weak security apparatuses and fragile control systems on the borders.

Unlike the case in Iraq and Syria - where Daesh elements are surrounded by strong countries such as Iran and Turkey - the Daesh group in Somalia and Nigeria is surrounded by countries with weak military potentials, the observatory said. This makes Africa a perfect place for Daesh to achieve victories that would make up for its defeat in Syria and Iraq.

Source: MENA