As recently leaked documents have shown however, IS has managed to attract recruits from a variety of social and educational backgrounds

The Egyptian Iftaa House's observatory of takfiri and hardline fatwas Wednesday warned against the terrorist Daesh group which seeks to use soccer to recruit fighters and gain followers despite its previous fatwas the banned the game as a waste of time and distraction from religious rituals and prayers.

A statement released by the observatory said such trend unveils the terrorist group's pragmatic ideology which changes with the change in their interests and targets regardless whether or not they go in line with the values of the Islamic Sharia.

Recruiting youth starts from mosques where the agents target potential elements and follow them up at soccer pitches and playgrounds which are considered a perfect place for attracting them away from the intelligence and the security, the observatory said.

The new recruits are taken to farms or houses where soccer games are organized with the aim of luring them to the organization through this game.

Source: MENA