OIC Condemns Suicide Attack in Tikrit

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation has condemned the suicide attack that targeted a wedding ceremony on Wednesday in the city of Tikrit, northern Iraq, leaving dozens killed and injured. 
In a statement issued Thursday, OIC said such unwarranted atrocities only spread violence and discrimination in contradiction with all human and religious values, adding that these acts are inconsistent with Islamic faith, calling on Iraqis to unite and overcome their differences and cooperate with government authorities in order to uncover these terrorist networks, limit crimes and hold perpetrators and accountable by legal means. 
OIC Secretary General Dr. Yousef bin Ahmad Al Othaimeen expressed his deep denunciation and strong condemnation of such acts that affected the lives of innocent Iraqis, voicing the organization's absolute solidarity with the Iraqi government in its efforts to combat terrorism and tackle terrorist groups that aim to undermine any attempts to lay the foundations of peace and security in the country. 

Source: QNA