Williamsburg - UPI
Republican leaders at the annual House GOP\'s issues conference held in Williamsburg, Va., said they are pledging to expand their reach to minorities and women. Rep. Greg Walden, the new chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, repeated the vow again Thursday. \"It\'s an important priority for me as a chairman and for our committee as a whole,\" he told reporters during the conference. The Hill said Hispanics supported President Obama over Republican nominee Mitt Romney in the 2012 election, by a margin of 71 percent to 27 percent. Obama won the women\'s vote, 55 percent to 44 percent, The Hill reported. Walden said Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler would spearhead an effort to reach out to women, and two other congressional Republicans would do the same for Native Americans. \"We will be building out, further and deeper, into the minority communities,\" he said. \"We recognize that Republicans have good answers, we just have bad communications in many cases.\"