Revealed: 73 suicide cases reported in Kuwait in 2016
Indians have topped the macabre list of suicides in Kuwait

Indians have topped the macabre list of suicides in Kuwait last year with 43 cases, a Kuwaiti daily has reported.

Official figures indicate that 37 men and six women from the Indian community, the largest in the north Arabian Gulf state, ended their lives.

They were among the 73 people from different countries and age groups who killed themselves for various reasons and through different means.

Kuwaitis were second on the list with 11 suicides, nine men and two women, and Sri Lankans were third with six cases.

Five people from Nepal and four people, including one woman, from Egypt also committed suicide, according to the list published by Al Qabas on Monday

The other suicide cases were nationals from several countries that included the Philippines, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Ethiopia.

The figures showed that 75 people committed suicide in 2015, up from 61 in 2014. In 2013, the figure was 52, one less than in 2012, but much higher than the 37 in 2011. In 2010, there were 52 suicide cases.

In 2017, the number has until March 20 reached 20 suicide cases.

Hanging topped the list of the methods used to end lives, followed by jumping from high places, taking overdoses of medicine and swallowing poison. Other methods included self-immolation and slitting veins.

Most suicides in 2016 occurred during the month of March, followed by October and February

source : gulfnews