Moscow - UPI
Russian lawmakers warned the United States there will be repercussions if it implements sanctions against Russian officials accused of human rights violations. \"If this goes to its logic end and we start extending the lists from both sides ad infinitum, this could spark very serious diplomatic wars, which nobody needs,\" RIA Novosti quoted Vyacheslav Nikonov, first deputy chairman of the State Duma International Affairs Committee, as saying Sunday. Dmitry Vyatkin, deputy leader of the Duma\'s Constitution and State Affairs Committee, said the U.S. threat of sanctions \"makes absolutely no sense.\" \"This is a kind of safe Cold War from their side and this will bring no good to the relations,\" he said. \"If they set limits to the entry of the State Duma or the Federation Council members, the counter measure will be banning the Congress members from entering Russia.\" The Duma has voted in favor of a bill that would impose similar sanctions against U.S. officials if the United States goes ahead with its Magnistky Act. The Russian measure also would ban Americans from adopting Russian children. The Russian Federation Council is expected to take up the bill Wednesday. If it is approved and signed by President Vladimir Putin, it would take effect in January, RIA Novosti said.