Saudi ambassador condemns terror bomb attack on police

Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to the Kingdom of Bahrain, Dr. Abdullah bin Abdel Malik Al-Shaikh, has strongly condemned Sunday's terrorist bomb attack inflicted on a police-transport bus on Al-Durra street that caused injuries to five policemen.
The ambassador also denounced recent terror bomb explosions in Al-Shakhoora area which targeted a police patrol that run contradictory to all religious teachings and international norms as clearly indicative of the fact that such malicious acts of sabotage and assassinations aimed at terrifying the people are undoubtedly breathing their last.
He said the saboteurs and perpetrators of such terrorist explosions aimed at disintegrating the Bahraini society, breaking law and order, sowing schismatic strife, sedition, instability and insecurity are unware of their acts and misled because of their ignorance. 
The ambassador reiterated his country's unwavering solidarity and supportive standing with the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Source: BNA