Egypt's Dar Al Iftaa

Egypt's Dar Al Iftaa's Takfiri Fatwa Observatory on Saturday warned that the ideology of the terrorist Daesh group would spread in the southeast Asian countries as new province in the Philippines might declare affiliation to the terrorist group soon. 

According to a statement, the observatory rang the bell of danger as terrorist groups such as Abu Sayyaf group might declare a state in the country as affiliate to Daesh in Iraq and Syria.

Despite losses of lands in Iraq and Syria to the government forces, Daesh makes progress on the lands of Philippine, the statement warned. 

Abu Sayyaf is a terrorist group based in Sulu in the southwestern Philippines and first became active in the early 1990s.

The group, hiding in the Philippine jungle, is taking steps to raise the black flag of Daesh on Mindanao in the country's far south.

The statement further warned that Daesh group can is still receiving support from various countries despite the repeated defeats in the Middle East. (MENA)