Turkey hit by 5.6-magnitude quake

A 5.6-magnitude earthquake that shook eastern Turkey Wednesday night was strong enough to knock down a hotel, officials said. The U.S. Geological Survey said the 9:23 p.m. quake occurred at a depth of 3.1 miles and was centered about 9 miles south of Van, 56 miles west-northwest of Hakkari, 76 miles northwest of Sirnak and 577 miles east of Ankara. Today\'s Zaman reported search-and-rescue teams were sent to the five-story Bayram Hotel in Van to assess the situation. The English-language newspaper said Turkish state television reported an office building also was toppled. Other buildings were damaged, as well. There were no initial reports of casualties. Today\'s Zaman said state television channel TRT Haber showed workers searching through the rubble of at least two buildings and people running through the streets as ambulances with sirens sounding rushed to the scene. A 7.1-magnitude earthquake that hit the region Oct. 23 killed more than 600 people and left thousands of others homeless, Today\'s Zaman said.