The Turkish border with Syria was cleared of ISIS militants

The Turkish border with Syria was cleared of ISIS militants after the Turkish Army-supported Free Syrian Army took control of all regions from Azaz to Jarabulus, Turkish security sources said. 
The news comes 12 days after the Turkish army launched Operation Euphrates Shield, aimed at improving border security and supporting coalition forces, Turkish Anadolu Agany (AA) reproted. 
The Free Syrian Army liberated new villages on Sunday, a day after the Turkish Armed Forces entered Syrias Cobanbey district from Elbeyli in Kilis, Turkey, the sources said. 
With the support of the Turkish Armed Forces, Syrian fighters thereby cleared of ISIS militants the region along the Turkish-Syrian border, forming a liberated belt starting in the Azaz region, including Cobanbey and Jarabulus, AA said. 
With the new Free Syrian Army-controlled belt extending three to five kilometers inside Syrian territory, the ISIS contact with the Turkish border has been totally eliminated. 
Less than two weeks after Operation Euphrates Shield was launched, the Turkish Army-supported Free Syrian Army fighters have liberated an area from nearly 600 square km of PYD/PKK and ISIS militants. 
Security sources told Anadolu Agency that the operation would continue and the liberated zone would be extended to other regions.

Source: QNA