Twin offensives against Daesh in Syria and Iraq

US-backed Syrian fighters and Iraqi forces pressed twin assaults against Daesh on Wednesday, in two of the most important ground offensives yet against the terrorists.
The operations to the north of Daesh’s de facto Syrian capital Raqaa and near the terrorist-held Iraqi city of Fallujah are adding to pressure on the extremist group, which has seen territory under its control steadily shrinking in recent months.
The US-led coalition that launched airstrikes against Daesh in Syria and Iraq in mid-2014 is providing air support on both fronts, as efforts intensify to dismantle the group’s self-styled “caliphate” straddling the Syrian-Iraqi border.
But there is deep concern for thousands of families in both cities, with fears civilians will be caught in the crossfire or used as human shields by the terrorists.
After the start of the Fallujah offensive was announced on Monday, Iraqi troops backed by pro-government militias have been advancing toward the city from surrounding areas.
On Wednesday, forces from Iraq’s 8th Division bolstered by tribal fighters pushed forward from areas to its south, said Staff Major General Ismail Al-Mahalawi, the head of the Operations Command for Iraq’s Anbar province.
US-led coalition warplanes and Iraqi aircraft were providing support, Mahalawi said.
In northern Syria, a Kurdish-Arab alliance also backed by coalition strikes was meanwhile pressing the terror group in its bastion province of Raqaa.

Source: Arabnews