Addis Ababa - MENA
The top United Nations official for Somalia has signaled the need for uninterrupted international support for the Horn-of-Africa country if gains over the past year are to be consolidated and advanced, the UN News Center reported. \"For the first time in a generation, a safe, secure and prosperous Somalia at peace with itself and its neighbors seems more like a reasonable aspiration than a distant dream,\" said Secretary-General\'s Special Representative for Somalia, Augustine P. Mahiga. \"However, the road to stabilization will not be easy,\" he added. \"Somalia remains a state in need of support from the international community, which will need to re-invest comprehensively and generously if it is to capitalize on its massive investment of time and resources.\" Mahiga added in a \'year-end\' letter to the people of Somalia and the international community. August marked a historic political watershed for modern-day Somalia with the swearing-in of the country\'s first formal parliament in more than 20 years.