Cleansing is a great way to help regenerate your body and keep it working at its best. Incorporate these simple tips into your daily regime for brighter skin and supercharged wellbeing. Want to lose weight, revive energy levels and improve your skin? Detoxing is a fabulous way of eliminating unwanted toxins and nasties which contribute to ill health. Louise Thomas-Minns, Skin Therapist and founder of the U and Your Skin reveals her top detox tips to keep your body clean and lean this spring. 1 Drink hot water with a wedge of lemon and some grated ginger at the start and end of your day to help cleanse the liver and give your digestion a kick-start first thing in the morning 2 Take milk thistle supplement to support the liver and help it excrete waste and toxins efficiently. 3 Dry skin brush before every shower, upwards and towards the heart to increase lympathic drainage and eliminate toxins. 4 Visit the steam room in the gym – great for the face. (Avoid if you have high blood pressure, sensitive/vascular skin or severe acne). 5 Reduce stimulants such as alcohol and caffeine as well as processed foods as these mess with blood sugar level balance and are packed with sugar and trans fats. Load up on fresh fruit and veg, water and wholegrains instead. 6 Eat your greens. Broccoli, spinach, kale and watercress are packed with antioxidants which help fight the effects of damaging free radicals. 7 Get a good nights sleep. Adequate shut eye helps to keep hormone balance in check, regulates energy levels and keeps your body functioning at its optimum. 8 Workout your face not just your body!  There are 98 facial muscles all of which, if exercised in the correct way regularly can maintain definition and tone. When moisturising use gentle upward motions to increase blood flow to the face. 9 Drink green and white tea 2-4 times a day.  These are packed with high levels of antioxidants called polyphenols which protect the skin cells from damage. 10 Stress less. Over time your body will release hormones that are conducive to assisting in the ageing process. Try to set aside at least 30 minutes of relaxation time every day.