Also called dry eye or keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS), dry eye syndrome is a common disorder that affects a sizable chunk of the Indian population. Dry eye syndrome is characterized by a disturbance of the tear film and can cause a variety of signs and symptoms that may interfere with quality of life. Sandy, gritty and scratchy are a few terms that can characterise the typical symptoms of dry eyes. So, what do you do when your eyes feel dry and sore and immediate sleep is not an option? Try these simple home remedies and give your eyes the much-needed break. Wear sunglasses. Sunglasses are recommended for people who are prone to dry eyes, as they keep them away from dust and wind. This will help in dealing with the scratchy feel. Go for good quality sunglasses that are UV protected. Patients, who suffer from dry eyes in the summer months, should avoid going out in peak afternoons as much as possible. Swimmers should ideally wear wrap-around goggles to prevent chlorine from agitating the eyes. Diet. Medical experts recommend that people with sore eyes should consume a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids as it helps in preventing dry, sore eyes by easing the symptoms. Certain fish varieties, like tuna and salmon, along with flaxseeds and olive oil are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids. You should also consume Vitamin A, which is found mainly in milk, almonds, green leafy vegetables and milk, as it helps in treating all kind of eye condition, especially conjunctivitis. Coriander leaves. Get a few leaves of coriander and grind them until the leaves are processed enough to extract some juice out of them. Now pour this liquid in a dropper and put two drops of this herbal and 100% natural remedy in your infected eyes for at least two times in a day. This will help in dealing with the itchy and gritty feeling of the eyes. Chamomile tea. A great remedy for dealing with dry and sore eyes, chamomile tea helps in easing the itch and soothes the eyes. All you have to do is get a small, warm cup of chamomile tea and soak this tea in warm water (the way you usually do with other teas). Now instead of drinking the tea, let the tea cool down and wash your eyes with them. You can even use the leftover teabags over your eyes and stay away from the redness of eyes this summer season. Aloe vera. Aloe vera extract is an herbal remedy, which is used in many ailments and is excellent for dealing with dry and sore eyes. Simply extract the juice of aloe vera and freeze it. Now use the juice of aloe vera with a little bit of cold water and using a clean cotton piece, place this mixture over your eyes. Your eyes are now set to face the blazing summer heat! Juice. Indian gooseberry or amla juice is ideal for dry, sore eyes. All you have to do is mix the amla juice with a teaspoon of honey and drink the juice twice a day. Effective in fighting infections and boosting your immunity naturally, amla juice is a great respite in summers. Another great drink for lessening eye irritations is the age-old favourite - carrot juice