Emad Al Deen Adib

Egyptian high-profile journalist and media host Emad Al Deen Adib warned of the increasing pressures from which the Egyptian people suffer due to the economic decisions taken by the Egyptian government, including the liberation of the currency’s exchange rate. He stressed the need for protecting the poor people from the repercussions of these decisions to avoid any potential chaos that could threaten the country’s stability.
He added, in press statements, that dependence on President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi’s popularity to confront the public anger is a big mistake, saying that it is irresponsible risk that should be considered well. He added that the country witnesses currently a critical period in its history, praising the policies adopted by the president to overcome the current challenges.
He added that the country lives currently in a critical period in which it could witness reform or the chaos, warning that the chaos would destroy the country. He added that there are plans aiming to undermine the Egyptian state, while June 30 uprising came to undermine these plans adopted by a number of international and regional powers.
He expressed his support for the recent measures taken by the Egyptian leadership on the economic side, describing them as the only way to achieve development. He blamed the political parties for the absence of their vision over the ways to resolve the current problems facing the country during the current critical period. He added, “Both supporters of the political regime and opponents have no programs.”
He stressed the need for taking the measures aiming to protect the poor people to allow them cope with the new developments on the economic level. He called the government for supervising the prices and to take strict measure against the traders who use the current critical conditions witnessed in the country to achieve financial gains at the expense of the Egyptian citizen.