Jordanian journalist, Tariq Hamed

The Jordanian journalist, Tariq Hamed, launched the first website on Facebook in Jordan to provide useful journalistic visual content and information for all followers of social networking sites.
"I love to present different journalistic content through my conviction that the next media is the media of social networking sites and through my field work as a news anchor and a presenter of radio program on Mazaj FM radio," Hamed said.
Hamed added that he discussed with a group of his colleagues, acquaintances and friends, to consult them about founding new platform, and the first idea was a news website, but he knows that people are more inclined to watch videos than written, so he decided to set up Tarek Hamed Media, which was followed in three weeks by 20,000 people.

The site, which presents a beautiful content, attracted the attention of the Jordanians since its beginning. Where he presents the songs of ancient Amman and childhood memories through his platform.

Hamed believes that his site brings together all the creative people. It is dedicated to the ideas of young people and presented in a professional and creative manner that respects the mind of the recipients.
It is noteworthy that Hamed, a Jordanian announcer, is presenting a morning radio program on Mazaj FM Radio for four years. It is a program that offers many issues in politics, literature, economy, culture and society far from noise. Hamed is also a news anchor on several satellite channels.