Mauritanian MP Yahya Ould al-Kharshi

Mauritanian MP Yahya Ould al-Kharshi Nouakchott - Mohamed Shina An MP from Mauritania\'s ruling Union for the Republic (UPR) has warned that opposition rallies against President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz are a burden on state security and lead to nothing but chaos. Yahya Ould al-Kharshi told Arab Today that opponents of President Abdel Aziz seek to undermine his political legitimacy, which he gained through \"free and fair elections.\" The Mauritanian parliamentarian urged opposition forces to plan for election instead of rallying against the head of state. Al-Kharshi denied opposition claims that President Abdel Aziz runs an autocratic regime, which could be toppled by protests. He described Abdel Aziz as the democratically elected and legitimate president of Mauritania. Al-Kharshi assured that the ruling majority don’t believe in delaying the elections any more, as the country needs some reforms in its institutions, such as the parliament. Regarding the opposition claims of the lack of legitimacy of the current parliamentary session, al-Kharshi said that the special sessions form part of the government\'s legitimate right to pass laws at any time, and the MPs have the right to call for a special session, adding that questioning the constitutionality of these sessions means questioning the entire Mauritanian Constitution.