Chief Palestinian Negotiator Saeb Erekat

Chief Palestinian Negotiator Saeb Erekat   Chief Palestinian Negotiator Saeb Erekat today asserted that Turkey expressed keenness to support the Palestinian statehood bid in September. Erekat, accompanying Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas during his current visit to Turkey, said that the Palestinians requested many things from the Turkish leaders and they \"have accepted\" them, without giving further details.
He also explained that Turkey pledged to help the Palestinians earn more international support for the recognition of an independent Palestinian state.
Erekat emphasized Turkey\'s role at the Organization of the Islamic Conference summit starting Tuesday, saying that it would be a forum where \"messages will be sent to countries across the world to recognize the Palestinian state.\" Commenting on media report about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu\'s agreement to recognize the 1967 borders provided that the Palestinians recognize Israel as a \"Jewish\" state, Erekat said: \"I should hear this from Netanyahu personally.\" He also denied Israeli media reports about the Palestinian Authority\'s readiness to accept a partial settlement freeze, saying that it is \"a lie\". \"Our stance is clear: a full freeze of Isreli settlements, and acceptance of the 1967 borders are our un-negotiable preconditions for talks,\" he said.