UN Envoy Johannes Van Der Klaauw

Aden Governor Nayef el Bakri received a UN delegation led by UN humanitarian coordinator for Yemen Johannes Van Der Klaauw for talks on the extent of damage caused by clashes with Huthis and a bigger UN role in the rebuilding of the city.

This is the first international delegation to arrive at the southern Yemeni city after being liberated from Huthis and forces loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh.

Aden has for months seen heavy fighting between Yemeni forces backed by Saudi-led air strikes and Houthis and pro-Saleh militias.

The UN official said the visit aims at reiterating solidarity with Aden residents and assessing humanitarian needs of the city after its service facilities and districts were badly damaged in the conflict.

The transport and public works ministers of the government of President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi were present at the meeting.

For nearly four months now, a Saudi-led coalition of air forces has been pummelling Houthis across Yemen in the hope of driving them back to their northern stronghold and restoring the legitimate government of Hadi.
Source: MENA