Decoration engineer Nanis Genedi

Decoration engineer Nanis Genedi revealed that house's decor can be changed through simple steps do not need for expensive costs.


She added, in interview with  Arab Today, that Every housewife needs to renovate her house from time to time, but the renovation process is often postponed because it takes time, effort and expensive. She said that decor can be changed through by changing enticements and accessories. "Always be sure that the accessories match the splendor and elegance of your home decor, which reflects the beauty of the spirit of the home's owner," Genedi advised the ladies.


"As you can change bedspreads, it is one of the most popular accessories. It is able to change the general appearance when changing them," she added. She added that "Bean bags" have its special appearence. These bags are very comfortable seats and have a special character that is more in line with the modern decor.


She stressed the importance of tabloids and paintings' role. "If the decor of your home is modern, you have to put the modern color palettes and nature pictures, while  if it is classic, you have to put paintings with a golden frame and drawings in oil colors due to its ability to give a sense of upscale value wherever it is," Genedi indicated.

She added that copper accessories, such as charms and watches are the most valuable accessories for classical decoration.