Al-Azhar condemns suicide attack in Cameroon village

Al Azhar, the highest Islamic institution in Egypt, condemned on Tuesday the attack on a market in a village in Cameroon's Far North Region Monday.

In a statement on Tuesday, Al Azhar affirmed that such attacks run counter to all divine religions, norms and international charters, pointing out that killings, abductions and intimidation are the most despicable crimes that require the toughest punishment.

It called on all world countries and organizations to take measures necessary for confronting terrorism.

According to CNN, suspected Boko Haram insurgents blew themselves up in the Bodo Market, killing at least 25 people and injuring 62 others.

"There were in all three explosions. Two went off in the Bodo Market and a third exploded on a bridge near the military camp," Albert Mekondane Obounou, a local administrative official said.

"The temporary count informs us that at least 25 people were killed in the bombings," he said, suggesting that the death toll could rise.

The death toll does not include the bombers.

The Bodo Market is in the Logone and Chari Division of Cameroon's Far North Region.

Source: MENA