The Ministry of Antiquities

The Ministry of Antiquities deplored the terror attack that targeted El Boutroseya Coptic Orthodox Church this morning, leaving at least 26 people dead and 49 others injured.

Although El Boutroseya Church is not listed as an antiquity in the register of Islamic and Coptic antiquities, but it dates back to 1911, said the head of Islamic and Coptic antiquities sector at the ministry.

In statements to MENA, el Saeed Helmy said the church, that is about 105 years old, was built by the family of Boutros Ghali, Egypt's prime minister from 1908 to 1910, to commemorate him.

Boutros Ghali's family has a leading role in Egypt's history since the 1919 revolution until the high position held by one of its members, when Boutros Boutros-Ghali served as the United Nations Secretary-General from January 1992 to December 1996.

He was the first Egyptian and Arab to be appointed for the UN's highest position.

Souce: MENA