Arab league secretary general Nabil El-Arabi

Arab League Secretary General Nabil el Araby condemned Sunday Turkey's move to deploy its troops near Iraq's Mosul.

Responding to a question about Turkey's move to send troops to Iraq, Araby said that Turkey's action is considered a blatant interference in the territory of the brotherly Arab country and runs counter to all international conventions and UN resolutions.

He also pointed out to the chaos which is plaguing the region, adding consensus existed to take all the necessary measures to protect national security and confront terrorism.

There are several reasons behind the spread of terrorism, topped by Israel's hostile measures against the Palestinian people along with the US incursion int Iraq and the interference of a number of countries in the region's affairs.

About 150 Turkish soldiers have been deployed near in the town of Bashiqa to train Iraqi Kurdish forces, earlier reports said.

Iraq called on Turkey to respect good neighborly relations and to withdraw immediately from the Iraqi territory.

Turkey has said a military battalion equipped with armored vehicles has been in the Bashiqa region close to Mosul in the northern Ninevah province for the last five months as part of a training mission to help forces fighting Daesh terrorist group. Mosul fell to the extremists in June 2014 amid a stunning collapse of Iraqi security forces.

Sources: MENA