A father reacts after the death of two of his children, whom activists said were killed by shelling by forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad

Arab League (AL) Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit strongly condemned on Sunday all acts of killing that targeted civilians in the Syrian city of Aleppo over the past few days.

Also, he decried the barbaric aerial bombardment campaign and subsequent military operations in eastern Aleppo following the collapse of the ceasefire agreement brokered by the US and Russia

Speaking to reporters in New York, Abul Gheit said the recent escalation regrettably shows the wrong belief of some parties that a military solution on the ground parties has better prospects than a political solution to the conflict. 

He called on the international community to bear its ethical and legal responsibilities through forcing all parties concerned to work on reaching a real ceasefire agreement.

This truce could help in saving thousands of innocent civilians, including women, children and elders from military operations and ending the siege imposed on Aleppo city, according to Abul Gheit.

Furthermore, the AL chief renewed his call for a suitable political solution to the Syrian crisis in accordance with resolutions issued by the AL in this regard.

Source: MENA