Arab League

The Arab League condemned Tuesday the terrorist attack that targeted a recruitment center in the Yemeni northern city of Aden, killing and wounding scores of recruits.

    In a statement issued by the Secretariat General today, the Arab League said the heinous attack adds to the series of crimes committed by organizations and groups that take religion as a cover for their terrorist actions.

    The Arab League stressed the importance of concerted international community's efforts to stand firmly and decisively against attempts targeting the security, stability and unity of Yemen. It also underlined the need to take the necessary measures to confront the escalating threat of terrorism, whether in the Arab region or at the international level in general.

    The suicide bombing took place in the crowded Mansoura neighborhood in Aden on Monday morning, killing at least 54 young military recruits who were preparing to join government forces and wounding scores. Mansoura has been the site of multiple attacks by militants in the past year.

Source: QNA