Arab League

The Arab League (AL) on Tuesday condemned Israeli extremists' dangerous escalation on the Palestinian people across the occupied territories under direct protection of the occupation authorities.

A statement issued by Palestine Department in the league accused the Israeli authorities of concealing criminals and preventing the extradition of perpetrators to justice to be punished on their crimes against Palestinians and their property.

Also, the AL described the Israeli measures in the Palestinian territories, especially in the West Bank and Al Quds as illegal and racist, pointing out that Israel has been trying to complete its schemes of increasing settlements and Juadaizing Al Quds.

The statement accused Israel of turning a blind eye to international laws and charters including the Fourth Geneva Convention for 1949 on banning the demolition of houses, expulsion and torture and seizure of Palestinian property.

The AL urged all parties concerned with the peace process to assume their full responsibility and stop all forms of  provocative actions against Palestinians.

The statement was issued two days after the mother of an 18-month-old Palestinian baby burned to death in an arson attack in the occupied West Bank, has herself died from injuries sustained during the attack.

Reham Dawabsheh, 26, who died on Sunday night in an Israeli hospital, had suffered third-degree burns to at least 80 percent of her body in the July 31 firebombing.

Israeli settlers are accused of throwing flammable liquids and Molotov cocktails inside two homes in the village of Duma in that incident.

Saad, Dawabsheh's husband, died from his injuries eight days after the attack while four-year-old Ali, another son of the couple, is still in hospital.

Source: MENA