Huthi attacks in Yemen

The Arab League's Council on Sunday condemned attacks by Huthi militants against camps of the Arab coalition in Yemen.

In a resolution taken at the closure of the 144th ordinary session of the Arab League's Council, held in Cairo, the Arab foreign ministers reiterated support for the legitimacy of Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi.

The resolution also expressed full support to the military operations by Arab troops in Yemen.

The League's Council expressed hope that the political dialogue between the warring factions in Yemen would be resumed in accordance with the outcomes of the Gulf Initiative and other related resolutions by the UN Security Council.

The ministers strongly condemned the malicious attack against one of the Arab coalition's camp in Yemen, leaving scores of personnel dead and injured.

The pan-Arab organization called on the Houthi militants and rebels loyal to former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh to immediately withdraw from all cities they have taken control of.

The council urged taking immediate actions to address the difficult and dangerous humanitarian situation in Yemen.

Source: MENA