Benjamin Netanyahu's aggressive statements on the Syrian Golan Heights

The Arab League council has condemned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's aggressive statements on the Syrian Golan Heights and the Israeli government decision to hold its weekly meeting in the occupied area.

At the end its extraordinary session on Thursday under the Kingdom of Bahrain, the council warned of the repeated Israeli attempts to maintain the status quo in preparation for annexing the Golan in defiance of the Security Council resolutions 497 of 1981 which stipulated that all Israeli measures in the occupied Syrian region are null and void.

The council condemned Israel's measures in the Palestinian territories and called on the Security Council to take measures necessary for compelling Israel to honor the international legitimacy resolutions.

Egypt's Permanent Delegate to the Arab League (AL) Tareq el Qony has asserted that the occupied Golan Heights are part and parcel of the Syrian territories that were occupied by Israel in the June 1967 war.
Source ; MENA