Activist Concepcion picciotto

The Arab League voiced deep sadness over the death of Concepcion Picciotto, also called Connie, the protester who maintained a three-decade peace vigil outside the White House that was widely considered to be the longest-running act of political protest in US history.

In a statement Monday, Assistant AL Secretary General for Palestine Affairs and Occupied Territories Said Abu Ali said that Connie defended the Palestinian people's rights to self determination and criticized the US administrations over their stances toward the Palestinian cause.

He also paid tribute to Connie, saying that she was adopting other causes, including that of nuclear proliferation, a cause which she fiercely defended until her death.

Connie's death is a loss for a defender of a Palestinian cause and the human rights, he said, adding that Connie devoted her life for the sake of values and principles.

Source: MENA