Arab parliament condemns suicide attacks in Iraq

The Arab Parliament has strongly condemned the terrorist attacks and massacres that took place Thursday in Baghdad and claimed the lives of dozens of innocent Iraqis.

    In a statement issued Friday, Arab Parliament President Ahmed bin Mohamed Al Jarwan said the Arab people stand firmly behind Iraq and its people against these abhorrent terrorist attacks that aim to "tamper with the destiny of the Iraqi people, scatter the seeds of sectarianism" and undermine Iraq's religious, cultural and civilizational fabric.

    He added that these attacks that are carried out by "rogue" organizations such as ISIS group are an evidence of bankruptcy and must be eradicated. "Terrorism, which is being planted in many parts of the Arab homeland, aims to weaken the Arab nation, undermine the capabilities of its peoples, and prevent progress and prosperity by dismantling its societies and spreading hatred and obnoxious sectarianism," he added in the statement, stressing that these schemes will not succeed and Iraq will remain united and Arab.

Source: QNA