Brazilian interim President Michel Temer

Brazilian interim President Michel Temer on Friday condemned the shocking gang rape of a teenager, which drew worldwide fury after her attackers posted a video of the crime online.

"It is outrageous that we are forced to witness such a barbaric crime as this in the 21st century," Temer said in a written statement, according to state news agency Agencia Brasil.

"Our government is mobilized, alongside the Rio de Janeiro Public Security Secretariat, to find the perpetrators and punish the rapists, as well as those who posted the criminal act online through social media," said Temer.

Temer also announced the creation of a special department within the federal police force to investigate crimes against women.

A 16-year-old girl was drugged when she visited her boyfriend in a slum in Rio earlier this month, waking up a day later in a strange house naked and surrounded by 33 men.

Later a video, which was recorded at the scene, started to circle online, further traumatizing the victim and sparking rage.

Source: XINHUA