Sinai attacks

Canada condemned on in the strongest terms the wave of attacks in Egypt claimed by militants linked to the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and Syria [ISIS] that resulted in dozens of military and civilian casualties, a statement by the Canadian government said.

In a statement on Thursday, Canadian Foreign Minister Robert Nicholsoni said "I offer my condolences to the families and friends of those killed in Wednesday's attacks."

“Canada stands with Egypt in its fight against terrorism. We must confront ISIS for the terror it inflicts on innocent people. This is a further reminder of the serious threat that jihadist terrorists pose, and why, under Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s leadership, Canada is participating with our allies in the international coalition against ISIS."

“Canada fully supports Egypt’s on-going transition to democracy. We are confident that Egypt will not be deterred by murderous terrorist acts like these or the attack earlier this week that claimed the life of Prosecutor General Hisham Barakat.