Premi minister Li keqiang

China on Wednesday condemned the terrorist attack in Tunisia, which killed 13 elements of the Tunisian presidential security guards, asserting its backing for international efforts exerted to combat terrorism.

A spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said his country extends condolences to Tunisia for the victims of the attack.

Tunisia's attack is the third of its kind this year after a militant killed 38 foreigners at a beach hotel in the resort of Sousse in June, and gunmen killed 21 tourists at the Bardo Museum in Tunis in March. Daesh had claimed responsibility for both attacks.

Meanwhile, the Chinese spokesman asserted that Beijing backs all international efforts exerted to combat terrorism and would contact all parties to coordinate stances in this regard.

He also noted that China is closely following up the latest developments regarding the Russian plane downed by Turkey, adding that details about the issue are still needed to assess the situation.

Sources: MENA