Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif.

Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif has strongly condemned unprovoked firing by the Indian army at the Line of Control (LoC).
He paid tributes to the Pak Army jawans martyred in the
firing and said that officers and jawans of the Pak Army were sacrificing their precious lives for the defence of the
motherland. He termed them national heroes, saying the nation was
proud of their sacrifices.
He also extended sympathies to the bereaved families and
said that incidents of firing by the Indian army are highly
condemnable, which are a threat to peace in the region.
He made it clear that India should not consider our desire for
peace as a weakness. The brave armed forces of Pakistan have the
fullest capability to give a befitting reply to any aggression
by Indian forces and we are ready to deal with any untoward
situation, concluded the chief minister.


Source: APP