Mufti Shawqi allam

Egypt's Dar al Iftaa on Monday condemned a call by an American university president to carry concealed weapons on campus to counter any possible armed attack like the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California.

In a statement, Dar al Iftaa warned of disseminating hatred and incitement to violence against Islam and Muslims.

Muslims in Europe and America are part of the social fabric, the statement added.

The only way to address these extremist calls is to activate laws that punish the dissemination of hatred and discrimination in communities because of religion, color or ethnicity.

The president of Liberty University had urged students, staff and faculty at the Christian school to carry concealed weapons on campus to counter any possible armed attack like the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California.

"Let's teach them a lesson if they ever show up here," President Jerry Falwell Jr told an estimated 10,000 students at the weekly convocation held on Friday in Lynchburg.

Sources: MENA