Ahmed Abu Zeid

Egypt strongly denounced the terror attacks that hit Brussels, the Belgian capital, on Tuesday morning, leaving a large number of people killed and injured.

The Egyptian government and people extend their deepest condolences to the Belgian government and the victims’ families, Foreign Ministry spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid said in a press release.

He affirmed the Egyptian view that terrorism does not differentiate between religions, races or borders.

The international community has to unite to counter this despicable phenomenon, he said.

It is about time the world takes a firm stand against international terrorism targeting the security and stability of nations and hindering the progress of human civilization, he said.

Swift and effective measures at the international level are needed to beat terrorism at the intellectual and funding levels and prevent the recruitment of more elements into the ranks of criminal groups, he added.

Egypt is confident that the Belgian government will exert its utmost to unveil the circumstances behind these sorrowful events and bring the attackers to justice, Abu Zeid said.

Egypt stands by the side of the Belgian government and people during such critical times, he added. 

The series of attacks that struck Brussels airport and the metro system this morning come four days after Salah Abdeslam, the prime surviving suspect for November's Paris attacks on a stadium, cafes and a concert hall, was captured by Belgian police after a shootout. 

Source : MENA