Fatah condemns Israeli siege on Hebron

The Palestinian movement of Fatah has condemned the Israeli siege imposed on the West Bank city of Hebron for two weeks now.

A statement issued Monday also denounced the demolition of the house of a Palestinian detainee in Jenin in the northern West Bank.

The Israeli government is conducting a collective punishment against residents of Hebron, said Fatah's spokesman Osama al Qawasmi in the statement.

The demolition of houses in the town of Qabataya in Jenin can very well be termed as organized state terrorism and a war crime, Qawasmi charged.

The Israeli racist practices will not undermine the will of the Palestinians, who are struggling to attain their freedom and independence, he asserted.

Israeli troops, meanwhile, arrested three Palestinians in Hebron earlier Monday and continued to close entrances to a number of villages and camps in the West Bank city.

Source: MENA