terrorist attacks in Istanbul

Iranian Foreign Ministry condemned on Sunday the recent suicide bombings in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad and a shooting in Turkey's Istanbul, Tasnim news agency reported.

Spokesman Bahram Qasemi offered his deep condolences to the Iraqi and Turkish nations and the bereaved families of victims.

"The instrumental use of violence and terrorism, and applying double standards to counter terrorists have led to this destructive global scourge (of terrorism) to sweep across all geographical, political, moral and religious boundaries and continue its disgraceful existence," Qasemi was quoted as saying.

The only way to counter the phenomenon is a consensus among all countries around the world to fight against violence and terror, he stressed.

A pair of suicide bombings by the Islamic State militants hit a central Baghdad market on Saturday, killing 28 people and wounding at least 54.

Besides, at least 39 people were killed and 69 wounded in an attack in a nightclub early Sunday as they were celebrating New Year. There have been no claims of responsibility so far.

source: Xinhua