Islamophobia observatory condemns call by Germany's AfD leader to shoot refugees

The Islamophobia Monitoring Observatory at Egypt's Dar al Ifta has condemned a call by the leader of Germany's Alternative for Germany party (AfD) Frauke Petry to open fire toward refugees to prevent them from entering Germany.

Petry had told the Mannheimer Morgen newspaper that "police officers must prevent illegal immigration, "making use of their guns as a last resort. Just as the law says."

No police officer wanted to shoot at a migrant, Petry said, adding "I don't want that either but, ultimately, deterrence includes the use of armed force".

Petry's statements are considered a clear incitement against refugees, the observatory said, urging the Islamic associations and institutions in Europe in general and Germany in particular to contribute to confronting such racist statements.

It also said that the popularity of the AFD in Germany has went up due to its hard-line demands related to the ongoing debate about the refugee crisis.

Source: MENA